Friday, May 28

Blinded from the Start.

It's hard to know that actually nothing's never really over. And by this I mean experiences in life, not macarroni & cheese. It's tough to discover you're not hot stuff anymore, that in fact, you're as replaceable as anybody else around. But it's harder when they give you this really special treatment and all of the sudden it's gone for a better life. Or a better department. Sometimes it's like a barrier. They don't like you anymore because they're afraid or at least that's what I deduce.

It's been two hours and I'm still sitting on the same old chair as before. I feel like this anxiousness it's all a fake. I want to listen. I want to act quiet. I want inspiration to feed my insides. I see whatever's left of my piece of paper as if it's endless, and then again we get to the starting point of this. Pictures and smiles cover every crime ever comitted.

Another thing: Omission. Many people consider it a lie. I consider it what it is. You just forget a part of the story, either genuinely or on purpose. But lying is a distortion of the truth, or another thing totally different for what is real. Omitting something implies forcefully telling part of the real story, and keeping the other part to oneself. No distortion not invention took place. So, for me, they're different. If we talk about effects or consequences, well... they carry on data. Maybe a lie sometimes hurts the least, and an omission of something big can cause real bad things. Who knows. At these kinds of topics are pretty overrated. I feel sleepy and the urge to pee. But I don't care and I keep drinking my thirst quencher which quenches no thirst at all.

And I try to call people all over the country and it doesn't work. I got to feel so comfortable that I forgot I got kicked out of my own office, that they took my personal belongings and tagged them as public, and all that I struggled, well... it's not there anymore. So, game over and we all go under the sea. I will travel all around my living room in secret for an answer.